The University of First Choice

For more than a century now, Centro Escolar University has stayed true to its mission of providing quality instruction, pursuing relevant researches and conducting extension programs for sustainable community development. This reinforces the vision of CEU as the University of first choice as it continuously produces graduates who make a difference in their chosen fields due to their professional competence, admirable character, and deep moral values that embody the empowered and inspired Escolarians.

CEU Manila

High Standard of Instruction

With over 50 programs, CEU continues to deliver quality education while adapting to the current trends and developments in the educational system. Its curricular offerings are meticulously reviewed and validated while its laboratories and facilities are upgraded to strictly conform to program requirements. It also maintains a highly professional, motivated and dynamic teaching and work force.

CEU Makati- Gil Puyat

High Standard of Instruction

With over 50 programs, CEU continues to deliver quality education while adapting to the current trends and developments in the educational system. Its curricular offerings are meticulously reviewed and validated while its laboratories and facilities are upgraded to strictly conform to program requirements. It also maintains a highly professional, motivated and dynamic teaching and work force.

CEU Makati- Legaspi Village

High Standard of Instruction

With over 50 programs, CEU continues to deliver quality education while adapting to the current trends and developments in the educational system. Its curricular offerings are meticulously reviewed and validated while its laboratories and facilities are upgraded to strictly conform to program requirements. It also maintains a highly professional, motivated and dynamic teaching and work force.

CEU Malolos

High Standard of Instruction

With over 50 programs, CEU continues to deliver quality education while adapting to the current trends and developments in the educational system. Its curricular offerings are meticulously reviewed and validated while its laboratories and facilities are upgraded to strictly conform to program requirements. It also maintains a highly professional, motivated and dynamic teaching and work force.


Become One of Us

CEU has grown to be one of today’s premiere higher educational institutions. It has maintained an academically excellent and a caring and harmonious learning environment. The campuses in Manila, Makati, and Malolos serve as a learning ground that sets the stage for nurturing ambition and motivating students to become the best that they can be.


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CEU Loyalty Day 2024: A Celebration of Commitment and Service

Photo shows the 2024 CEU Loyalty Day Committee

Centro Escolar University is set to mark its Loyalty Day, a momentous occasion that honors its long-serving employees whose commitment spans decades—45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 years on September 9, 2024 at the Librada Avelino Auditorium. 

This celebration is especially significant as it coincides with the 130th birth anniversary of Doña Concepcion Aguila, a revered figure in CEU's history, known for her unwavering dedication and service.

Additionally, the event will pay tribute to CEU alumni who have demonstrated their loyalty by choosing CEU for their children’s higher education. Their decision underscores the deep trust and confidence placed in the University, a testament to the quality of education and values that CEU imparts to its students.

The day will commence with a Thanksgiving Mass at 7:00 a.m., a gesture of gratitude for the steadfast loyalty and service of the CEU community. Following the mass, the University will hold a grand awarding ceremony at 9:00 a.m. The awardees will be recognized for their significant contributions to the University’s enduring success.

Dr. Rhoda Aguilar, University Registrar, and Dr. Paz Lucido, President of the CEU Alumni Foundation, Inc., spearhead this year's event. Through their leadership, CEU continues to honor the legacy of its loyal members, ensuring that the spirit of fidelity and service remains vibrant within the community.

Loyalty Day is more than just a recognition ceremony. It is a celebration of the enduring bond between CEU and its people. The commitment of these awardees is a cornerstone of the University’s ongoing mission to provide excellent education and service. As CEU reflects on its past and looks forward to the future, it does so with a deep appreciation for those who have remained true to its ideals.

For more information about CEU, please visit the official website of the University at www.ceu.edu.ph. You may also follow CEU on Facebook at @theCEUofficial, @CEUMalolosofficial, @CEUMakati05; on Twitter at @CEUmanila, @CEU_makati05, and @CEUMalolos; on Instagram at @ceuofficial; on Youtube @CEUofficial; on Tiktok at ceuofficial_; and on Spotify at Escolarian Talks.



The Timeless Legacy of Dr. Lourdes “Lulu” Diaz: A True Escolarina’s Journey of Love and Inspiration

What defines a true Escolarian? Here is a story of a remarkable woman who embodied the very essence of what it means to be an Escolarian. Through her journey, she exemplified the values of dedication, resilience, and love that resonate at the heart of the pink university.

Dr. Lourdes Diaz’s 60-year journey at Centro Escolar University is a testament to her enduring dedication, passion, and love for the institution that shaped her both as a student and an educator. Her story is not just one of personal achievement but also a reflection of the values and ideals that CEU instills in its community.

Dr. Diaz began her lifelong relationship with CEU as a high school student in 1958. From those early days, she demonstrated an unwavering commitment to learning, which would set the foundation for a remarkable career. After graduating from high school, she pursued a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, earning her Elementary Teacher's Certificate (ETC) after just two years. This was only the beginning of her illustrious career in education.

As an elementary school teacher of English and Reading, Dr. Diaz found her calling in nurturing young minds. Her passion for teaching was evident, and it was not long before she expanded her influence on higher education, becoming a college English instructor. Her dedication to her craft led her to further her studies, and as a CEU-FAPE Scholar at De La Salle University, she earned a Master of Arts in Education, majoring in Reading Education. This academic achievement marked a significant milestone in her career, solidifying her expertise as a reading specialist.

Dr. Diaz’s contributions to CEU extended beyond the classroom. She served as Secretary to the CEU President and Executive Secretary of the University Council, where her leadership skills shone. Her role as the head of the Reading Department and University P.R.O. showcased her ability to balance administrative responsibilities with her passion for education. Later, as the Assistant Vice President for the Human Resources, she played a pivotal role in shaping the University’s personnel policies.

Her academic journey culminated in earning a PhD in Curriculum and Supervision, after which she was appointed as a University Professor, the highest academic rank in CEU. Even after her official retirement following 40 years of service, Dr. Diaz’s dedication to CEU never wavered. She was re-hired as a Professional Lecturer at the Graduate School, where she continued to inspire and mentor students until 2018. Her expertise in arbitration and dispute resolution led her to serve as an Accredited Voluntary Arbitrator (AVA) with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Throughout her career, Dr. Diaz was more than just an educator—she was a mentor, a colleague, and a friend. Her former colleague in the Graduate School fondly remembers her as a constant lunch companion and a brilliant partner in thesis oral defense panels. They recall how, despite her reputation as a strict enforcer of university policies, Dr. Diaz was a kind and sweet person with a surprising sense of humor. Her immense love for her family and her ability to manage finances were among the traits that made her a beloved figure to those who knew her well.

For her students, Dr. Diaz was the epitome of the True Escolarina. Aside from selflessness, dedication, and genuine pride in her students' achievements, she embodied the core values of CEU—integrity, lifelong learning, social responsibility, loyalty, and excellence in all endeavors. To have had Dr. Diaz as a mentor was to have a lifelong supporter who never failed to encourage and uplift, even in the face of challenges. She was not just a teacher; she was a friend, a confidante, and a guiding light for many.

Dr. Lourdes Diaz’s legacy at Centro Escolar University is one of unwavering commitment and passion. She dedicated her life to the institution, touching countless lives along the way. Her journey from student to educator, administrator, and mentor over six decades is a testament to the profound impact one person can have on an entire community.

As we remember Dr. Diaz, we honor not just her achievements but the spirit with which she approached life and learning. Her memory will forever be etched in the hearts of those who had the privilege of knowing her. Rest in peace, Dr. Lourdes Diaz, the true Escolarina, whose legacy will continue to inspire future generations.


Written by Richard M. Rillo and Eduard M. Riparip


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